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The Relevance and Robustness of Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model in an Emerging Market Environment: Empirical Evidence from China

  • February 22, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Online(PT time)
  • 62


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Gilbert’s behavioral engineering model (BEM) has become a popular framework for guiding performance improvement practices in China in recent years. However, the theoretical foundation and validity of the BEM framework were primarily established in the Western context. The research group conducted an empirical study to test the BEM’s validity and applicability in an emerging market environment, using survey data collected from 423 Chinese business professionals and compared the results with those conducted in the United States. 

How did they conduct the research? What were their findings? What are the implications for the HPT practitioners? Let's talk about them in the webinar.


Frank Q. Fu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Missouri - St. Louis. He obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Houston. He also holds an MBA in Marketing from the University of Rochester. His research and teaching interests focus on sales and marketing performance improvement. In 2010, he received the Anheuser-Busch Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Missouri - St. Louis. He has won the 2006 American Marketing Association Sales SIG Award for best doctoral dissertation in professional selling and sales management. In 2005, he was selected as one of the four winners to receive an AMA Sales SIG/DSEF Sales Dissertation Research Grant. He is also one of the recipients of the Firooz Hekmat Award for the best paper at the Marketing Management Association conference in 2004.

He has published articles in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Marketing Letters, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of International Management, Performance Improvement, PerformanceXpress, and Human Performance. He has also presented research papers at various national and international conferences, including the ISPI Annual Conference. Currently, he serves as an editorial review board member for the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice and a research associate at the UMSL International Business Institute.

Prior to joining academia, he gained valuable sales, marketing, and management experience in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries. For five years, he worked as a sales representative, commercial supervisor, and district sales manager for a Johnson & Johnson company in China. As a sales manager, he led a team of 30 pharmaceutical sales representatives and was responsible for a $12 million sales budget. In 2006, he was inducted to Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society for collegiate schools of business. He joined the Alpha Mu Alpha National Marketing Honorary Society as a faculty member in 2012.

He has been an ISPI member since 2011 and received the designation of a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT). He is a founding member, Vice President, and liaison of the ISPI China Chapter and served as the Vice President of Membership/Marketing of the ISPI St. Louis Chapter. For years, he has been working as a CPT Reviewer (both English and Chinese), serving the ISPI Awards of Excellence Committee, reviewing for the ISPI Annual Conference, and volunteering for the ISPI Marketing Committee.

Together with colleagues in ISPI-China, he has been promoting the ISPI and HPT in China since 2011. As part of the effort, they have translated five books, dozens of articles and the HPT Model into Chinese (see the Chinese version HPT Model posted on ISPI webpage). For years, he has been conducting research by integrating the HPT with marketing and sales management literature. As a result of the endeavor, he has introduced the HPT to business school curricula by offering redesigned marketing and sales management courses with built-in performance improvement components. His research on the interface of marketing and performance improvement has generated multiple articles published at major academic journals and a book proposal, which is currently under review by a major publisher. Recently, he was appointed as the International Associate Editor of Performance Improvement Quarterly, the only academic journal dedicated to performance improvement research. In addition to academic research, teaching, and volunteer work, he helps American and Chinese companies and organizations improve their business performance through consulting and advising efforts.

Dr. Tim Brock is the chief facilitation officer at ROI Institute, the leading source of ROI competency building, implementation support, networking, and research, where he helps organizations implement the ROI Methodology at over 6,000 organizations in over 70 countries. In addition, he is a doctoral and advanced doctoral programs faculty member at Capella University and a former faculty member at the United Nations Systems Staff College in Turin, Italy. Dr Brock has been a frequent presenter at international and regional professional conferences. He has written performance improvement and evaluation chapters for two healthcare books, one chapter on instructional design and performance outcomes in medical education, and another chapter in a healthcare simulation book.

In addition, Dr. Brock has published multiple articles on performance improvement and evaluation topics and has been invited to speak at conferences worldwide on these subjects. He is the founding president of ISPI’s Central Florida Chapter and a founding member of Capella University’s virtual chapter. Dr Brock has served on many Society committees and been the chair of the awards, chapter partnership, and CPT credential committees, which he currently chairs. He holds a Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in training and performance improvement from Capella University and is a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT), Certified ROI Professional (CRP), Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator (CPIF), and a Certified Designer of Training with a specialization in simulation and labs (CDT[SIML]). Dr. Brock is retired from the Air Force, having served in both the enlisted and officer ranks and retired from Lockheed Martin, where he was a human performance systems engineer and manager of their global learning and performance team.

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