Past Presidents
Margo Murray Website: Margo Murray, MBA, CPT, C-EI, has earned ISPI’s highest honors – Outstanding Member, Member for Life, and President – and she serves as mentor to many ISPI leaders. The preeminent researcher, designer, and evaluator of facilitated mentoring, she has collaborated with clients on strategic planning and mentoring processes in hundreds of organizations worldwide. Her best seller book, Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring: How to Facilitate an Effective Mentoring Process, is considered the seminal work on facilitated mentoring. Margo has been an invited speaker at many International, Regional, and National events, including the United Nations Secretariat, and has been a facilitator for the ISPI Institutes. |
Dr. Roger M. Addison, CPT, is an internationally respected practitioner of Performance Improvement Technology (PIT) and performance consulting. He is the Chief Performance Officer at Addison Consulting. Roger is a Certified Performance Improvement Professional (CPT). He is a past president of ISPI and past Chair of the Board and President of the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations (IFTDO). He received ISPI's highest award, Member for Life, and ISPI’s Rummler, Gilbert and Service Awards. He has written for the Performance Improvement Journal, PerformanceXpress, and other professional publications. Roger co-authors, with Carol Haig, the Performance Architecture column for BPTrends. Roger has worked and presented in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Roger is co-author of Performance Architecture: The Art and Science of Improving Performance. |
![]() Carol M. Panza is known for her outside-in, results/accomplishment-focused analysis skills for effective, sustainable performance improvement. She uses organization mapping as a key analysis, communication and people engagement tool and is very experienced at helping others to build their analysis skills. Carol was Senior Associate at Applied Performance Analysis and The Rummler Group before forming CMP Associates in 1985. She has worked with clients from a broad range of industries and countries over the years. A small sample of her diverse client base includes: ABB (India), Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), British Oxygen, Casio, Dynamic Healthcare Services, EMO Nuclear Power Plant (Czechoslovakia), Exxon International, Indiana Bell Telephone, Sherwin-Williams (Stores Group, Automotive Aftermarket, Specialty Brands), Telcordia/SAIC, The Associates Financial Services and Xport–International Trade Organization of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Publications include many articles, book chapters and a book entitled Picture This…Your Function, Your Company. She is very active professionally, serving since 2007 on the Board of the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), to which ISPI has belonged for many years as a member organization. She has served on the Board for ISPI (global) as well as locally for the NJ Chapter and has actively supported and/or been on the Board of Directors for the International Society for Performance Improvement–Europe, Middle East, Africa (ISPI-EMEA), since its inception, currently serving as President. Carol was the recipient of the ISPI Distinguished Service Award 2007 and was awarded Honorary Life Member of the Society in 2014. As an example of “giving back,” Carol acted as lead consultant for a comprehensive opportunity analysis to benefit the Borough of Bernardsville, NJ on a pro bono basis as a public service. The performance infrastructure and improvement recommendations presented were accepted by the Borough Council with the intent to use the Summary of Findings and Recommendations and a collection of Borough function organization maps, as important management tools and guidance. Carol was also Project Manager, along with Roger Addison, for the first very successful ISPI Community Service Project, undertaken for the outstanding Settlement Music School (SMS) in Philadelphia. The team successfully helped SMS to help itself in its ongoing efforts to become “even better.” Carol holds a BS in Business Administration (Marketing) and an MBA. She was one of the first to receive ISPI’s CPT, after the certification was established. She is the president of CMP Associates in Morristown, NJ and can be reached at |
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