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EJ LeBlanc- CALDO presents: Embracing DevOps to Thrive in the Automation Era

  • September 30, 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online(PT time)
  • 69


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Do you feel overwhelmed? Are your courses out of date before they’re even finished? Are your customers demanding that a course be completed at the same time a new product or service is released, before the technical documentation is even completed? These days, with the rapid increase of automation, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. But, perhaps surprisingly, the answer lies in the problem itself: instead of being overcome by the information tsunamis unleashed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we must ride the wave of automation. However, we won’t be able to make these required changes on our own. This presentation introduces the Communications and Learning for DevOps (CALDO) framework. By the end of this session, you’ll understand DevOps, the role of Communications and Learning professionals play in DevOps-oriented organizations, and how communications and learning professionals can leverage the CALDO framework to partner with organizations across their value streams to thrive in the era of automation.


EJ LeBlanc is an instructional systems design and human performance technology consultant who has worked in myriad roles and contexts. EJ endeavors to aid Communications and Learning professionals in DevOps-oriented environments leverage automation tools to partner with their organizations across value streams.

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