When organizations experience gaps in business or performance results, there is a tendency to "solution-jump." Often these means that single, easy to implement solutions are put in place before the root causes responsible for the observed gaps are fully understood. Leaders may declare victory because a solution has been rolled out to the organization, while real problems go un-addressed.
In this interactive session, we'll discuss the mental model used by Performance Consultants to: shift focus from solutions to results, identify root causes for business and performance gaps, and select appropriate sets of solutions.
1. Categorize root causes as External to the Organization, Internal to the Organization, or Internal to Individuals
2. Identify instructional and non-instructional solutions to address root causes
3. Help clients select an appropriate set of solutions

Chris Adams is a performance consultant and designer with over 25 years of experience helping organizations engage people, apply processes, and implement technology to improve human and organizational performance. He is principal consultant for Performance Change Strategies LLC and also partners with Handshaw, Inc. to provide learning and performance consulting services. In 1999, Chris was co-inventor of Handshaw’s award-winning software, Lumenix – one of the first content-managed platforms for e-learning.
Chris frequently writes and speaks on the topic of performance consulting, has been a featured speaker for a number of ATD and ISPI chapters, and has facilitated sessions at regional and international conferences such as ATD ICE, Training Magazine, THE Performance Improvement Conference, and the Coast Guard HPT Conference. Chris co-authored the September 2019 TD@Work: Focus First on Results. He is also a doctoral candidate in the Instructional Design and Technology program at Old Dominion University, where his research focuses on strategies employed by successful human performance practitioners in their work.
Chris has been personally endorsed by Jim and Dana Robinson, authors of Performance Consulting: A Strategic Process to Improve, Measure, and Sustain Organizational Results, to carry forward their work assisting organizations in defining the performance of people needed to achieve required business goals.