Program Description:
“The volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely, and reliably.” ―Atul Gawande, Surgeon, Writer, Public Health Researcher.
"Inside every fat course is a thin job-aid crying to get out." ―Joe Harless, Researcher, Author, Workforce Performance Improvement Thought Leader
In the field of Learning and Development (L&D), one of the most valuable (and yet underrated) performance support tools we can provide for our customers and teams is an effective job-aid. In this session, you’ll learn Peregrine’s seven steps for creating exemplary job-aids and other performance support tools.
It's no secret that billions of dollars are wasted every year on training and talent development initiatives. One of the best ways to reclaim some of those wasted dollars is to go back to basics and ensure that training programs are (a) focused on performance and (b) wrapped around relevant, well-crafted job-aids. In some cases, an effective job-aid can replace a course entirely.
The subject matter in this session is directly applicable to many important trends in L&D today including microlearning, performance support, and xAPI technology. Most participants leave this program with new insights and skills for producing better results in less time in their performance improvement efforts.
Participants will be able to produce better results in less time in their performance improvement efforts because they can recognize, design and create an exemplary job-aids.
After 20 years of helping business leaders and training departments find new and better ways to create interventions that help their workforces perform better (i.e., faster, safer, more effectively), learning-industry veterans, Russ Powell and Joe Halpin, have come to realize that Mr. Harless had coined something true and brilliant in that phrase: one of the most valuable (and yet under-rated) performance support tools we can provide for our customers and work-teams is the damn good job-aid.

Russ Powell is an award-winning learning-industry veteran who helps mid-sized and large businesses create effective and affordable training programs and other performance improvement initiatives (e.g., simulations, process documentation, job aids, instructional videos, eLearning, etc.) that help bring their workers to the next level. Russ holds degrees in behavioral sciences from Georgia State University and Loyola University. Click to follow him on LinkedIn and/or Twitter.

Joe Halpin is a performance technologist with more than 20 years’ experience. He was a contributing architect of the award-winning Sherpa learning platform. Other areas of expertise include sales, communications, HR, and assessing learning strategies. Joe holds a Masters in Instructional Technology from San Francisco State and a Bachelor of Science in Corporate Communications from Ithaca College. Click to follow Joe on LinkedIn.
Russ and Joe are co-founders of Peregrine Performance Group.
About Peregrine Performance Group
Peregrine Performance Group is an award-winning workforce performance improvement consulting firm that helps business leaders move their teams from NOT-KNOWING to KNOWING and from KNOWING to DOING. Peregrine solutions help business leaders reduce high rates of turnover, maintain quality and profitability during rapid growth, expand markets, reduce exposure to hazards, and increase employee productivity.
In addition to being job-aid ninjas, Peregrine is known for world-class expertise in performance-based instructional design, eLearning design and development, facilitation of face-to-face and live-virtual training programs, instructional media development, and the evaluation of training.
For more, visit the Peregrine website and/or follow Peregrine on LinkedIn or Twitter.
More About this Presentation
Learning and development (L&D) professionals have an overwhelmingly large bag of tricks these days. And as a result, in many cases, we've become Jacks and Jills of many trades and masters of none (or at least few). This session helps L&D professionals relax, return to some basics, and re-consider the value of one of the most useful tools in our collective performance-improvement bag – the exemplary job-aid. For the experienced professional, s/he will receive reinforcement and reminders of what it takes to build a great job-aid; newcomers will walk away with time-tested ideas for simplifying the overwhelming task of producing great performance support tools.
If you have any doubts about your ability to recognize, design and/or create effective job aids (or manage people who design and create these), this program is a must attend. It's a relatively simple, high-payoff antidote to training-waste.
In this engaging, interactive session, we provide practical guidance and real-life examples that help participants recognize, design and create exemplary job-aids.
Learning Objectives:
What will you gain by attending?
- Recognize an exemplary job-aid. (Save time, money, resources.)
- Know when to use a job-aid in place of or as a component of a training course or talent development initiative. (Reduce resource load(s).)
- Design and create an exemplary job-aid. (Increase confidence in tool effectiveness.)
This presentation, as with most of our presentations, is built around case studies and real-life examples drawn from work with our clients. Often client names have been changed to protect the innocent, but the examples are real. We use an interactive lecture-style format in which useful content is presented, but plenty of room/opportunity is provided for audience members to interact, ask questions, and offer relevant examples of their own.
The ideal audience for this presentation includes anyone involved in the design, development and/or evaluation of training courses. This includes instructional designers, training managers and training executives who make decisions about training, as well as human resources and other talent development professionals who are likely to find themselves in positions in which they must design, develop, facilitate, evaluate and/or make decision about training courses.
In our work, we review training programs and performance improvement initiatives on a regular basis – we’ve been judges for the Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning awards for many years – and we regularly and consistently see needs for job-aids that are left unfilled, and the job-aids we do see appear to be lacking in substance and rigor. This presentation is both a demonstration of expertise and a call-to-action to help L&D development professionals save time, money and other resources through the design and development of better job-aids and other performance support tools.
Note: Registered attendees will receive an email with a link to the webinar. If the link is not included in the initial registration confirmation, it will be sent a few days in advance of the event.