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Crafting Your Breakthrough Leadership Path

  • September 24, 2015
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual


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Join us when Ray Pifferrer speaks on Crafting Your Breakthrough Leadership Path

Traditional leadership development plans and competency models have historically drawn from the experiences of white males. However, an ever-increasing diverse and global workplace now challenges this traditional paradigm as it fails to draw from the diverse leadership talent that is available today.

Diverse leaders, and more specifically underrepresented leaders (e.g., people of color, women, and LGBT leaders), bring different approaches to the traditional definitions of leadership.  This presents us an opportunity to be breakthrough leaders who bring a new set of paradigms to our understanding of leadership.

To be a breakthrough leader is not a matter of becoming like the traditional leaders before us. Instead, breakthrough leaders explore diversity as a multifaceted construct that is interwoven throughout leadership programs, competencies, and success factors.  Breakthrough leadership embodies the ideal that you embrace and leverage the special and unique parts of yourself as differentiators that will help you become a greater breakthrough leader or a greater entrepreneur. 

Join Ray Pifferrer (founder of RayCoach) as he helps you craft a truly breakthrough professional leadership path that embraces individuality and diversity so you can bring all you are to all you do (R).

About Ray

Ray Pifferrer, M.Ed. is a credentialed/certified professional leadership coach and learning consultant. He helps multicultural leaders spring into new leadership and entrepreneurial challenges, helping them Bring All They Are To All They Do (™).
Ray has designed/facilitated leadership training solutions for a variety of global, national and local national firms, including Google, Kaiser Permanente, Wells Fargo, and Coca-Cola. He brings over 25 years’ experience in the design, presentation, and evaluation of professional skills and performance improvement efforts for global/multicultural audiences. He specializes in leadership and management skills trainings, with a focused eye on making all training solutions cross-culturally competent. He is a seasoned group facilitator and platform presenter, specializing in topics such as leadership and cross-cultural teamwork. He's designed and implemented customized 360-degree leadership assessments for organizations and individual clients. He currently works with clients primarily in North America & the EU. He is credentialed by the International Coach Federation, and is a Certified Professional Coactive Coach

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