July 19, 2017
To All ISPI Bay Area/Boise State Members,
Our chapter is growing and changing! The purpose of this email is to let you know about some changes that are occurring. First of all, Grayley McWatters will be taking on the role of President in September! He has been making great contributions in his VP of Marketing Role and is ready to take on some more!
Also Lulu Esau has just recently joined us as the Finance Chair. We welcome Lulu into this role and are looking very forward to working with her.
I will continue being active in the chapter as the Membership Chair. Please congratulate Grayley and Lulu on their new positions!
As you know the strength of the chapter comes from all the active volunteers who put the programs together, help with membership, and take care of the finances as well as the routine business tasks of running the chapter.
As students and working professionals we understand how difficult it is to take on an extra role as a part of the board. So we have come up with a different idea to help you help us and make our chapter even better!
Our current organization has basically been run by the following roles and people for the past two years and we are all grateful to each other for their service to the chapter.
- President—Sue Czeropski
- President Elect—Grayley McWatters
- VP of Finance—Acting Sue Czeropski
- VP of Membership—Acting Sue Czeropski
- VP of Information Technology—Ieva Swanson
- VP of Marketing/Programs—Jie Chen/Grayley McWatters
We have put our heads together and have come up with a different volunteer model based on Tasks which basically eliminates the VP role and turns the role into a chair role. In this new model, the Chapter is run by the President, President Elect, Chairpersons and our Honorable Members who have played seminal roles in ISPI and act as advisors to our chapter. Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1: Model of the ISPI BABS Chapter:

Chairs are responsible for:
- Recruiting members to do tasks
- Manage tasks/people
- Report into Board meeting
- Find a replacement chair for the following year
In exchange for the chair services, the chapter will pay for a silver membership to ISPI International for each year they take on the chair role. The benefits of being a silver member of ISPI include:
- Bronze membership benefits
- Knowledge Center dashboard, messaging and communication
- Knowledge Center podcasts
- Opportunities to volunteer at the international level
- Limited number of articles from PIQ and PIJ
- Special pricing on professional liability, health, dental, life, long-term care and automobile insurance (For U.S. residents only)
We have created a “Task Book” which defines the tasks that the chair needs to find volunteers for. All tasks have been defined by what needs to be done and the amount of time it takes to do the task. Some tasks take as little as 15 min. per month and some tasks take on more time. The Task Book is a working document. More tasks may be added as we grow. An example of a task is below:

What we need each of our members to do is:
- Review the task book
- Based on the time you may have available choose a task that you could take ownership of
- Contact the chair person in charge
- Get started!
There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved and give back to the chapter! We are looking to each and every one of our members to share the work load, collaborate and get more actively involved with the chapter!